Grading Concept for X420

(See “Grading Scale”)



The course grade is based upon point accumulation. Each attendance event and project has a point value attached to it and there are many options for combining events and projects for earning points. Credit points accrue as grading events are satisfactorily completed.



Attendance Events Credit

The course offers two types of attendance events: lectures which include corporate guest speakers (SCOOP and guest lectures) and discussion sessions. Students will receive credit for these events if they arrive by the time the session begins, stay for the entire class period, and participate when required.


Before each lecture you will receive through Oncourse internal mail messenger service a form with a warm-up question or two. Answer the question(s), print the form, and bring it with you to turn in at the lecture. Near the conclusion of each lecture, you will be asked several evaluation questions which you will also answer on your forms.  Make sure that each form has your name (last name first), IU username, and your Career Counselor’s name clearly printed on the top of the form.  Turn in these forms as you exit the classroom. Illegible forms or those with inappropriately answered questions will NOT receive credit.


In each discussion event you will receive an activity form as you enter the room. Participate in the activity as directed by the leader and use the form as directed. You will be asked evaluation questions to answer at the bottom of the form. Be sure that your name (last name first), IU username, and your Career Counselor’s name is clearly printed on the top of the form. Turn in these forms as you exit the classroom. Illegible forms or those with inappropriately written comments will NOT receive credit.


Course Projects

All projects carry a specified point value and will be individually graded by your Career Counselor during your scheduled lab session. This syllabus gives detailed instructions as to the content of each project. Counselors will grade projects based on the following grade rubric.



Project Grading Criteria


Grade Areas






(Bonus Points)



Basic Requirements








Elegance of Argument








Writing Skills





The “Outstanding” grade is rarely used. It is awarded as a special bonus when your Career Counselor decides that your work that particular week is clearly much above what would normally be expected from other students who completed that same project.


  1. Basic Requirements


  1. Content


  1. Elegance of Argument


  1. Summary/Analysis


  1. Writing Skills


You will usually receive immediate feedback from your Career Counselor on all written projects during your lab session. You will receive 60 points for a “satisfactory” or occasionally up to 70 points for an “outstanding” project. Projects are only awarded an extra credit point for “outstanding” when they are truly above what is normally seen in that particular project. An “outstanding” report is one that is nearly perfect in every regard and that exceeds all stated requirements in the syllabus. If your project does not meet the requirements or is poorly written, it will not receive any credit. At the discretion of your Career Counselor, you may rewrite a failing project for up to 30 points.



Edited Standard Written English

One of the tasks of good education is to prepare students to function effectively in a society where writers are expected to use Edited Standard Written English (ESWE). Business leaders have frequently remarked on the need for employees who can speak and write well. To help you prepare for a successful career, X420 requires the use of ESWE in all written projects. There should be no more than two departures per page from the following rules in any combination. You should always run a computer spell check and grammar check on your final project before submitting it. If you have difficulties with standard written language, please visit one of the campus writing centers for assistance.


We urge you to run the spell checker and grammatical components of MS Word before you submit your project.


Grade Reporting and Timing

All grade reporting is in Oncourse. It will show which events you have attended and which projects you have passed. Grades will be posted by the Course Assistant so it is very important to have your name (last name first), IU username, and your Career Counselor’s name clearly and legibly marked on all your forms and projects.


Grade Appeal


If a previous week’s points fail to appear, you should appeal the following week through your Career Counselor. The staff will research the problem and respond quickly.


One of the roles of your Career Counselor is to help you track your grade. Make sure your grade appeals are processed through your Career Counselor within one week of the grade screen failing to show the correct points. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to see that your grade is properly maintained in Oncourse.



Grade Ranges


This syllabus lists all the requirements needed to achieve each of the letter grades for this course. You are in control of the grade you receive. These minimums must be met:


Ø      You must achieve a certain number of total course points.

Ø      You must complete a minimum number of passing projects, including the required Projects 1 and 2 and 23.


For example, if you have enough points for an A but have not completed the requisite number of passing projects, your grade will be calculated based on minimum projects and minimum points. See the grading scale for exact requirements.


You must decide which events you wish to attend, be on time, meet deadlines, submit quality work, and participate actively in attendance events.


We strongly urge that you build more points than indicated in the requirements to avoid unpleasant surprises with your grade at the end of the course.